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The Network

The Christian Network of Fathers is a safe and empowering space where Christian Fathers commune, collaborate, create, help and heal along the process of being an incredible, accountable father pleasing to the eyes of our Heavenly Father. 

Every position God gave man stewardship responsibility over is a fatherhood position, because all the authority comes from The Father.   


A father from God's perspective shall:


  • Provide for his family

  • Protect his family

  • Take responsibility for his family

  • Father with multi-generation in mind

  • Give the blessing to his family

  • Live prophetically

  • Speak wisely

  • Pray proactively

  • Stay studious


The Christian Network of Fathers is where a band of brothers known as fathers encourage one another on this journey called "father".


Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Ecclesiastes 4:12

Support of the Network

Just the thought of becoming a father and the roles and responsibilities of raising children to be their very best is enough to overwhelm you. However, with the support of a Christian Network of Fathers that have your best interest in heart, that will walk alongside you and share the Godly wisdom of fathering to bless your family is  the support that every dad wish he had. Knowing an on time word from God can help pull you through any situation you are facing is exactly the goal and promise of the Christian Network of Fathers. 

Calling all Pastors, Deacons, Trustees, Leaders, Fathers, Teachers, Men of God to join in on a candid conversation around fatherhood, leadership and manhood every Wednesday evening at 6:30pm

Depending on the topic of discussion and the intimate details that we men would love to discuss in a safe space we will collectively agree to share publicly or not. 


Therefore follow us on Christian Network of Fathers Facebook Page for the internal streaming link. 

MEN ONLY - come with a heart to build & protect what God is doing in you and through you!

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